Menstrual Cups for Low Cervix
I have a low cervix. Can I use a menstrual cup?
A low cervix will definitely not prevent you from using a menstrual cup. However, it’s important to make sure you purchase a cup that will fit and function properly. DaisyCup is preferred among women with a low cervix because of it’s softness and it’s shape.
For many women, tampons, pads and other disposable feminine hygiene products just don’t cut it. They are expensive and environmentally unfriendly.
Many women seeking an all-natural, cost effective and environmentally friendly option to help with their periods have turned to menstrual cups. Menstrual cups are inexpensive, simple to implement and are re-usable, which means no more last minute trips to the drug store for tampons!
These cups are typically inserted to a position where they sit right around or below your cervix. They do their job, and you remove them every 8-12 hours (or more regularly depending on your flow).
Cups come in different sizes and styles depending on your level of flow, whether or not you’ve had children, and the height of your cervix. However, some women with a lower cervix may have concerns that a menstrual cup might not be the right option for them.
But rest assured, if you have a low cervix, you can still enjoy the benefits of using a menstrual cup. Read on to learn more about how to use a menstrual cup when you have a low cervix.
Determining Your Cervix Height
If you suspect you have a low cervix, but you aren’t sure, it can be helpful to measure your cervix height before purchasing a menstrual cup. You can measure at any time, but your cervix is typically at its lowest point during your period.
You can measure the height of your cervix simply by inserting your middle finger into your vagina (wash your hands first, of course) until it touches your cervix. You’ll know you’ve hit the cervix because it is both firm and rounded. Note which knuckle is closest to your vaginal opening. If it’s the first knuckle closest to your fingertip, you have a low cervix. If it is the second one in the middle of your finger, you have a medium cervix. If it is the base of the finger, you have a high cervix. Granted these measurements are not the most scientific, but for the purposes of determining the height of your cervix for menstrual cup usage it will do just fine.
You can also measure by inserting your finger and exactly where the vaginal opening meets your finger, and then use a ruler to measure. This gives you a more exact length to work with, but you can often use a cup that is a little longer than your measurement. If measuring your cervix is difficult, you can also ask your gynecologist at your next exam to assist. They will be very familiar with menstrual cups and might even have some additional tips and advice that can help.
How to Choose a Low Cervix Menstrual Cup That Fits Just Right
If you’ve found that your cervix is low, you will need a shorter cup in order for it to fit comfortably and securely in your vagina. Cup measurements often include the stem, so see if you can find the length of the cup itself since you can trim the stem if needed. If you can’t find the information online, contact the cup manufacturer directly for additional information.
The ring size also makes a difference. Generally speaking, you will need a smaller ring if you are under 30 and have never given birth, and a larger ring if you are over 30 or have given birth vaginally (C-section mama’s don’t count here).
You should also take note of the listed capacity. If you have a heavy flow (for example), you will need a higher capacity cup. Same goes for if you plan to have it in for long periods of time (pun intended) and will be unable to empty and re-insert regularly. Most manufacturer websites list the product specifications as well as recommendations so you can find exactly what you need.
Low Cervix Menstrual Cup Insertion
Regardless of where your cervix is positioned, inserting the cup is the same process for everyone. Wash your hands thoroughly to prevent the spread of bacteria. Next, fold your cup. Spread your labia with one hand and insert the cup with the other hand. Nudge the cup as needed to get it to “pop” open. Rotate the cup to ensure it has a good seal. Once the cup is inserted, your cervix may be just above the cup or inside the cup.
Even if you have a low cervix, the cup should be completely inside your vagina, although the stem may extend outside your vaginal opening. If this is the case, you may want to trim the stem for your comfort.
Speaking of Trimming the Stem
If you’re new to using menstrual cups, you may want to wait to trim the stem until you’ve had some practice removing the cup. Once you’re comfortable, though, you can trim down the stem without much worry. Carefully cut off a small amount of the stem at a time until the stem no longer shows outside your vagina. Do not cut off a lot at once, as you could cut the menstrual cup, which means you will need to purchase a new one.
Never cut the stem while it is inserted in your vagina. Safety first ladies.
Using a Menstrual Cup with a Low Cervix: What else do I need to know?
If your cup is causing you discomfort, it may be sitting too close to your cervix. Ideally, the cup should sit a bit lower than a tampon. You may want to try a couple of different cup types until you find one that is comfortable for you.
If you happen to be experiencing leaking, your cup may not be sitting correctly. Make sure the cup isn’t sitting to one side or the other of your cervix. Sometimes cups can seal to the vaginal wall, so if your cup doesn’t seem like it is in the right place, remove the cup and reinsert it. Another possibility is that your cup didn’t completely open. In this case, you can confirm your cup is open all the way by running your fingers around the rim. If you have trouble with getting the cup to open, you may need a firmer cup. There are firm cups made specifically for a low cervix.
If your cup is overflowing, it may be because your cervix is sitting inside the cup. You may want to try a cup with a rounder body or a bell shape.
If removing the cup is painful, you may need to break the seal before you remove it. To break the seal, push gently on the rim before you pull out the menstrual cup.
Bottom Line: You can use a menstrual cup if you have a low cervix
We hope you found this guide to using a menstrual cup with a low cervix helpful. When used correctly, menstrual cups are a great, cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional tampons and pads. If you or someone you know has any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re always here to support you.